Ruby on Rails developer passionate about

Hey! I'm Akhil, a full-stack developer that loves creating web applications. I've worked on various projects, including a web3 game and SaaS apps with AI integration. I am passionate about learning and view every challenge and opportunity as a way to continue my growth.

I'm a developer with a passion for creating cool things. I've been tinkering with code for about 4 years now, but it's only been 3 years since I started my professional journey.

Before I became a full-fledged developer, I used to dabble in small personal projects in Python. But then I completed a six-month internship in full-stack development with Ruby on Rails and stumbled upon a new interest. Since then I've worked with clients to develop web apps.

I'm always excited to learn about new tech and adapt to changing times. In the past two years, I've been exploring the web3 space and AI, which led me to work on exciting projects like Zedball and Nextmove and with companies like Digital Genius.

I'm always open to new ideas and opportunities. Whether you'd like to chat about a project or just drop a friendly greeting, feel free to get in touch!


  1. Company
    Full-stack Developer
    Company Description
    AI-powered Consent Management Platform.
  2. Company
    Full-stack Developer
    Company Description
    Global provider of affordable clean solar energy.
  3. Company
    Intern Full-stack Developer
    Company Description
    Food delivery platform for healthy meals.
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